결혼 반지
Wedding rings have a emotional attachment to many.
It dates back to the Egyptians, almost 4800 years ago given by men to women.
The circle was the symbol of eternity,
with no beginning or end, not only to the Egyptians,
but many other ancient cultures.
The hole in the center of the ring also had significance.
It wasn’t just considered a space,
but rather a gateway, or door;
leading to things and events both known and unknown.
To give a woman a ring signifies never-ending and immortal love.
The Europeans followed this tradition and slowly it was adopted in many religions.
It is a sign of a commitment to one another and represents the love,
honor, and faithfulness that you have for your spouse.
Some couples may even decide to have a special message engraved on their wedding ring
to further show the love they have for each other.

11월 22, 2021
Erica Zheng
Trending Jewelry in 2023
$94.00 USD
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Trendolla Jewelry
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